Written by Fernando Maciá
Transcription of text from the presentation Search Engine Optimization of Large Content Portals
- Search engine positioning of large content portals Fernando Maciá Domene Managing Partner of Human Level Communications Valencia, October 2, 2009 1
- Definition Indexability Relevance Relevance Implementation Internationalization Migrations KPIs
- Large content portals
- Large number of pages on a wide variety of subjects
- Significant percentage of traffic in the long tail.
- The traffic counts more than the conversion
- Managed with CMS Non-SEO friendly URLs Lack of support for single goals Reduced number of templates Limited control over code
- In large superficies, the offer is not flat Distance Linear width Shelf headers POS displays…
- Potential traffic architecture clicks from home indexability indexability usability
- Content with higher traffic potential.
- What How When Do You Search The Internet?
- Which Google Keyword Tool
- How Google Keyword Tool
- When Google Trends
- Where Google Insight for Search
- Google Analytics wanted
- on the Internet
- Contents with the highest traffic potential Search pattern Actuality Seasonality Demand…. 18
- Content with higher traffic potential.
- Automatically Generated Tag Clouds Tele-targeted and SEO-focused
- Deep linking From the content From the footer
- visibility for the s do ni te n arga co de la l co
- Calendars Not infinite No links to empty pages or similar SEO optimized results
- Calendars Link “nofollow” Not infinite “No link”.
- Calendars Unique and relevant optimized agenda page Title and Meta Description
- Inquiry forms Up-to-date: outdated content Breadth of offer: real estate portals, tourism portals, DA portals (YP)
- Forms Menus/directories by query categories related to search potential
- Forms Query search pattern Fashion Seasonality Demand…
- Search engines Open search, but under control Optimized SEO results Statistical monitoring and analysis
- Search Engine Optimized Page Title, URL and Meta Description unique and relevant results
- Search engines Keywords Feedback on the keywords used in the search engine optimization statistics Content Gaps
- Sitemap GSite Crawler file with SQL Server, or similar Discover indexability issues
- Indexability
- Indexability Javascript Flash Frames Forms Unique URLs Pop-up forms
- Indexability PageRank Pages Saturation PR indexed 34
- Indexability PageRank Saturation Pages PR indexed 35
- Indexability PageRank Pages Saturation PR indexed 36
- Redirects Permanent Redirect – 301 Redirect Temporary Redirect – 302 Redirect Alias / Parking – 200 OK 37
- Redirects Aliases / Parking – 200 OK Domain C + Domain A Domain A Domain B Domain B Domain B 38
- Redirects Aliases / Parking – 200 OK Domain C + Domain A Domain A Domain B Domain B Domain B 38
- Redirects Permanent Redirect – 301 Domain A Domain C Domain B Domain B 39
- Redirects Permanent Redirect – 301 Domain A Domain C Domain B Domain B 39
- Temporary Redirects Temporary Redirect – 302 Domain A Domain C Domain B Domain 40
- Temporary Redirects Temporary Redirect – 302 Domain A Domain C Domain B Domain 40
- Redirections – http://www.haagen-dazs.com/ – http://www.haagendazs.com/ – http://www.haagendazs.com/ – http://www.hagendazs.com/ – http://www.haagendasz.com/ – http://www.haagendazs.es/ – http://www.haagen-dazs.es/ 41
- Avoid problems in the home Permanent Redirect 301 mydomain.com www.midominio.com 42
- Avoid problems in the home Temporary Redirect 302 www.midominio.com www.midominio.com/portal/ Concentrate PageRank on domain root 43
- Avoid problems in home Link canonical www.midominio.com www.midominio.com/portal/ home/ <link rel=”canonical” href=”http://www.midominio.com” /> Concentrate PageRank on domain root 44
- Avoid problems in the home Link canonical www.midominio.com www.midominio.com/ default.php?cmp=renault <link rel=”canonical” href=”http://www.midominio.com” /> Concentrate PageRank on domain root 45
- Avoid problems on internal pages Link canonical http://www.midominio.com/ http://www.midominio.com/tag/fitness/ tag/fitness/ jsessionid=E54A14626BB7B32484635D47BD CAD799 <link rel=”canonical” href=”http:// http:// www.midominio.com/tag/fitness/” /> 46 Avoiding duplicate content
- Avoid problems on internal pages Google Webmaster Tools > Parameters http://www.midominio.com/tag/ fitness/ http://www.midominio.com/tag/ jsessionid=E54A14626BB7B32484 fitness/ 635D47BDCAD799 47 Avoid duplicate content.
- Avoid problems on internal pages Home > men > watches > sport > armani > ar0567 http://www.midominio.com/hombres/relojes/sport/armani/ar0567.html <link rel=”canonical” href=”http://www.midominio.com/relojes/armani/sport/ar0567.html/” /> Home > men > armani > watches > sport > ar0567 http://www.midominio.com/hombres/armani/relojes/sport/ar0567.html <link rel=”canonical” href=”http://www.midominio.com/relojes/armani/sport/ar0567.html/” /> http://www.midominio.com/relojes/armani/sport/ar0567.html 48 Avoiding duplicate content
- Avoid problems on internal pages http://www.midominio.com/Semana%20Internacional%20de%20Cine http://www.midominio.com/Semana+International+of+Cinema http://www.midominio.com/Semana-Internacional-de-Cine <link rel=”canonical” href=”http://www.midominio.com/semana-internacional-de-cine/” /> http://www.midominio.com/semana-internacional-de-cine 49 Avoiding duplicate content
- Error 404 50
- Error 404 50
- Migrations
- Migration process Changes to premium domains Updating content management system Implementation of semantic URLs Permanent Redirect 301 Old URL: www.viva-spain.com/Noticia.asp?Id=123 Minimize impact on positioning
- Migration process Changes to premium domains Updating content management system Implementation of semantic URLs Permanent Redirect 301 New URL: www.viva-spain.com/spanish-cuisine.htm Minimize impact on positioning
- Identify critical pages: Top direct traffic Top landing page from SEO Top quality of the visit Top natural positioning
- Identify critical links: GWT /Yahoo!/Linkscape Links that contribute the most PR Links on Trustrank sites Links originating from direct visits
- Indexability Controlling robots 55
- Relevance
- Keywords Architecture Generic Keyword Core Keyword Core Keyword Secondary Keywords Long tail keywords 57
- Possible groupings
- Possible groupings Cars in portfolio
- Possible groupings Audi portfolio cars
- Possible groupings Cars in portfolio Audi Diesel
- Possible groupings Cars in portfolio Audi Km. 0 Diesel
- Possible groupings “Audi Cars” Cars in portfolio Audi Km. 0 Diesel
- Possible groupings “Audi Cars” Cars in portfolio Audi Km. 0 Diesel “Diesel Cars
- Possible groupings “Audi cars” Cars in portfolio Audi Km. 0 Diesel “Cars “Diesel cars” kilometer 0″.
- Possible groupings “Audi cars” Cars in Audi portfolio “Audi Diesel cars” Km. 0 Diesel “Cars “Cars “Diesel cars” kilometer 0″
- Possible groupings “Audi cars” Cars in Audi portfolio “Audi Diesel cars” Km. 0 Diesel “Cars “Cars “Diesel cars” kilometer 0″ “Cars Km. 0 Diesel” “Cars Km. 0 diesel”
- Possible groupings “Audi cars” Audi cars in Audi portfolio “Audi cars “Audi cars “Audi cars Km. 0″ Diesel” Km. 0 Diesel “Cars “Cars “Cars Diesel” kilometer 0″ “Cars Km. 0 diesel” “Diesel cars Km. 0 diesel”
- Possible groupings “Audi cars” “Audi diesel cars Audi cars in portfolio Km. 0” Audi “Audi cars “Audi cars “Audi cars Km. 0″ Diesel” Km. 0 Diesel “Cars “Diesel cars” kilometer 0″ “Diesel cars Km. 0 diesel cars”
- Identificate patterns
- Relevant groupings “Audi cars” “Audi Diesel cars Km. 0 cars in portfolio” Audi “Audi cars second hand” “Audi tdi cars” Second hand “Audi Diesel cars” Second hand “Diesel cars” Second hand “Diesel cars” Second hand “Diesel cars” Second hand diesel cars”
- Groupings Relevant relevant pages
- User-oriented groupings by the search criteria used: – Product name: – “ipod”, “nike air”, “iphone”, “Canon HG10”, “WII”, “Kindle” … – Product category name – “blu-ray player”, “plasma TVs”, “strategy video games” …. – Benefit you expect to get: – “How to protect my home”, “how to decorate the baby’s room”, “how to keep the pool clean”, “how to avoid spam”…. – By the characteristics of the recipient – “Father’s Day gift”, “toys for a six-year-old girl”, “advertising claims for companies”…. – Searching for a product based on a characteristic – “Second-hand diesel car”, “cruise trips”, “vacation rentals”…
- Incorporation of Web 2.0 functionalities: integrating the language of the user
- Incorporation of Web 2.0 functionalities: integrating the language of the user
- REACTIVE ATTITUDE in search engine positioning: – Analyze what is being searched – Analyze how it is being searched – Generate content that responds to what is being searched, optimized to rank for the terms as they are being searched – Next to the hook-pages, place links to the conversion pages 65
- PROACTIVE ATTITUDE in search engine positioning: – We anticipate ahead of time the topicality of a given topic – We develop content that responds to this topic, long before it “becomes fashionable” – We position our pages in search engines – We actively contribute to feed the interest and buzz about that topic so that the number of related searches grows (through participation in blogs, chats, forums, distribution of press releases…) 66
- Language versions of a Web site
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables Languages separated by variables passed in URLs by the GET method Languages separated in subdomains or subdirectories
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables Languages separated by variables passed in URLs by the GET method Languages separated in subdomains or subdirectories
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO FRIENDLY variables (POST)
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO FRIENDLY variables (POST)
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO FRIENDLY variables (POST)
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables: cookies
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables: cookies
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables: environment variables
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables: environment variables
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables – Problems:
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables – Problems: lang=en lang=de
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables – Problems: lang=en lang=de =
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables – Problems: lang=en lang=de = www.midominio.com/home.php = www.midominio.com/home.php
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables Languages separated by variables passed in URLs by the GET method Languages separated in subdomains or subdirectories
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables Languages separated by variables passed in URLs by the GET method Languages separated in subdomains or subdirectories
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by SEO FRIENDLY variables passed in URL by the GET – http://www.midominio.com/home.php&lang=es – http://www.midominio.com/home.php&lang=en method.
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by SEO FRIENDLY variables passed in URL by the GET – http://www.midominio.com/home.php&lang=es – http://www.midominio.com/home.php&lang=en method.
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by SEO FRIENDLY variables passed in URL by the GET – http://www.midominio.com/home.php&lang=es – http://www.midominio.com/home.php&lang=en method =
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by SEO FRIENDLY variables passed in URL by GET method – http://www.midominio.com/home.php&lang=es – http://www.midominio.com/home.php&lang=en = www.midominio.com/ home.php&lang=en = www.midominio.com/ home.php&lang=de
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by SEO FRIENDLY variables passed in URL by GET method – Drawbacks: – Google Webmaster Tools only allows geolocation: – Domains: www.midominio.com – Subdomains: uk.mydomain.com – Subdirectories: www.midominio.com/uk/ We can’t geolocate
- Multi-language websites Beware of “default” languages SEO FRIENDLY www.midominio.com problem: duplicate content solution: nofollow
- Multi-language websites Beware of “default” languages SEO FRIENDLY www.midominio.com www.midominio.com/ home.php?lang=fr problem: duplicate content solution: nofollow
- Multi-language websites Beware of “default” languages SEO FRIENDLY www.midominio.com www.midominio.com/ home.php?lang=fr www.midominio.com/ home.php?lang=en problem: duplicate content solution: nofollow
- Multi-language websites Beware of “default” languages SEO FRIENDLY = www.midominio.com = www.midominio.com/ home.php?lang=en problem: duplicate content solution: nofollow
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables Languages separated by variables passed in URLs by the GET method Languages separated in subdomains or subdirectories
- Multi-language websites Languages separated by hidden SEO-FRIENDLY variables Languages separated by variables passed in URLs by the GET method Languages separated in subdomains or subdirectories
- Multi-language websites Languages separated into SEO FRIENDLY subdomains or subdirectories – Subdomains: – en.mydomain.com – fr.mydomain.com – en.mydomain.com – Or, subdirectories: – www.midominio.com/es/ – www.midominio.com/fr/ – www.midominio.com/en/
- Multi-language websites Languages separated into subdomains or SEO FRIENDLY subdirectories: advantages
- Multi-language websites Languages separated in sub-domains or SEO FRIENDLY sub-directories: advantages =
- Multi-language websites Languages separated into subdomains or SEO FRIENDLY subdirectories: advantages = www.midominio.com/es/ = www.midominio.com/de/
- Multi-language websites Languages separated into subdomains or SEO FRIENDLY subdirectories: advantages = www.midominio.com/es/ = www.midominio.com/de/
- Multi-language websites Specify the language of your page: <html lang=”en-en” html lang=”en-es”> <html lang=”es-us”> <html lang=”en-mx”> <html lang=”en-uk”> <html lang=”en-us”> Employ the appropriate text encoding: – UTF-8: song – ISO: song
- Where is my server geolocated? 81
- Where is my server geolocated? Domain ccTLD Hosting IP Incoming links 82
- Where is my server geolocated: Akamai We lose IP geolocation Geolocate domains or directories in GWT
- Where is my server geolocated? 84
- Where is my server geolocated? 84
- ccTLD, subdirectory, subdomain? Popularity juice transmission Number of pages to index Need for geolocation in a given country
- Marketing Systems Implementation
- Timeline Indexability analysis Consulting Objectives Report Point 0 Implementation indexability Monitoring and tracking Relevance report Optimization Monitoring and tracking Results reports Improvement proposals
- Measuring results After optimizing?: contents Design a new landing page focused on the key concept: – Pinturas cuarto Bebe – Tapizado Cuarto Bebe 88
- Measuring results After optimizing: Longtail content: Identify free and potential niches and write optimized content – What content should I create? – Directory of baby casting in Spain categorized by province or city – A section of tips “Casting for Babies: Tips for your baby to win the casting” – A blog with the post “Casting for babies: the 10 tips that a mother should Longtail know – A family of products for baby casting 89
- K PI Indexing Popularity Positioning Trafic 90
- K PI Indexing Pages indexed site:www.midominio.com Search engines Google Webmaster Tools Highly dependent on server performance Indexing by sections Indexing by depth levels Control crawl frequency and recency 91
- K PI Traffic Visits SE Visits SEO/SEM Visits Visits by search engine Visits Google Web, News, Images… Different search terms Average time Average PPVV Average bounce rate Conversion rate 92
- K Popularity PI Popularity Incoming links Distinct domains Anchor text Popularity juice Where it points to (home vs. internal) Link age Domain age Nofollow links SEOmoz LinkScape Google Webmaster Tools Yahoo 93
- K PI Positioning Manual Measurement Distinct URLs with 1 visit Distinct URLs <10 visits Advanced Web Ranking Rank Checker (SeoBook) Google Webmasters Tools 94
- Questions? 95
- Bibliography Search Engine Optimization ed.2009 – Fernando Maciá and Javier Gosende, ed. Anaya Multimedia (2009). SEO – How to Succeed in Search Engines – Miguel Orense and Octavio Rojas, ed. ESIC (2008) Book SEO Search Engine Optimization – Miguel López Gómez, in Bubok.com (2008) 101 Techniques to promote your web – Susan Sweeny – ed. Anaya Multimedia Usabilidad – Diseño de sitios web, by Jakob Nielsen, ed. Prentice Hall El marketing viral, by Alba Doral, ed. Pearson – Prentice Hall. Google – The Best Tricks, by Tara Calishain and Rael Dornfest, ed. Anaya Multimedia/O’Reilly. Internet Marketing – Enrique de la Rica – ed. Anaya Multimedia 96
- Fernando Maciá Domene Director Perfiles digitales Mail – Blog – LinkedIn – Twitter – Facebook – Xing – Naymz – Flickr Gta. Poeta Vicente Mojica, 5 Entreplanta, locales 19 y 20 03005 Alicante Tels +34 902 875 990 – +34 96 614 19 07 Fax +34 96 512 66 54 Web www.humanlevel.com Mail info@humanlevel.com Illustrations and photographs: own and istockphoto.com