Written by Aurora Maciá
Fernando Maciá, director and founder of Human Level, participated in the IV Salesian Day of Communication that took place on February 24 at the Provincial House in Madrid. Under the title “Let’s tell the news!”, the conference offered a unique opportunity for representatives of Salesian houses interested in communication to learn about the best strategies to apply in their respective centers, houses and entities. The event was attended by Javier Valiente, national delegate for Communication, who spoke about the importance of communication plans as organizational tools in his presentation “I want to communicate. I have a plan”. Later, Fernando Cueto, creative director, advertiser and blogger, introduced the audience to the world of storytelling, an essential strategy if you want to communicate effectively through any channel. In the afternoon, Fernando Maciá made the audience understand the mechanisms of positioning content on the Internet through the Web, YouTube or social networks with his presentation “I position myself!