Rocío Rodríguez

Rocío Rodríguez

Senior SEO Consultant

Photo of Rocío Rodríguez, Senior SEO Consultant

Since 2016 in SEO

Digital marketing
Comprehensive SEO audit

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations
Master in Communication and Creative Industries


Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations, with a Master in Communication and Creative Industries by the University of Alicante and certified in Google AdWords. I am a 2.0 heart trying to survive in a society where technology is the epicenter of everything around us.

I am passionate about communication in all its aspects and forms. Taking the leap into the digital world is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I must admit that it was love at first sight for me and I have finally fallen at its feet (yes, that’s how amazing love is!).

Since we started our relationship we have not stopped learning together and for me this is the most enriching thing about my job, knowing that in the online world there are no exact rules that can be applied to all projects, because what today is A tomorrow is B and what works for me, may not work so well for you. And it is in this way how I overcome my eagerness to learn and absorb new knowledge that will make me grow both personally and professionally.

At Human Level you will find me in the SEO department. I am a senior SEO Consultant and I develop online communication projects.

On a personal level

I consider myself a perfectionist, fun, observant, curious and persevering person. I love to travel and discover new corners of the earth. This hobby is accompanied by my love for gastronomy, because… I love good food!

I’m an inquiring mind that doesn’t like to stop learning and discovering new things, so I spend a lot of my free time reading about online marketing stuff. Another of the things that I miss is the world of research (I already told you that I was quite curious!). At the end of the master I did a project on mobile applications that was highly enriching for me and with which I learned a lot of things.

Another passion of mine is the world of teaching, something that at some point in my life I would like to experience.

Articles written by Rocío
