

Pagination with prev, next and canonical link elements

The presentation of content on a series of different pages frequently occurs on Web sites when it is impossible to present all the information on a single page: for example, in long articles that are subdivided into several pages or, more frequently, in product listings. Until now, this situation posed numerous challenges due to the […]

Fifteen key points to make search engines like me

Any website can generate a certain traffic potential in the Internet search engines: Live Search, Google or Yahoo! This traffic potential is determined by the positioning that the different contents of the website can achieve for the searches related to them that users may make, on the one hand. But also by the total number […]

How to sell advertising on the Internet? Phrases that advertisers love

Selling advertising on the Internet requires a protocol that must be followed to the letter where advertisers look at the historical curriculum of the website in which they plan to invest. Learn how to polish those details that will make your portal get that customer’s account. A business model based on selling advertising using our […]

Indexable websites: born to compete (and win) on search engines

Search engine optimization companies are usually called in when a web site does not obtain the expected results. In many cases, aspects of programming or architecture of the website itself prevent the optimization and positioning work from being fully effective. The advice of specialists at the time of web design improves its indexability. It is […]
