Web Accessibility Audit

Eliminate all barriers on your website and reach more potential customers.

Internet accessible to all

Did you know that the UN estimates that more than one billion people in the world live with some type of disability? Good accessibility is crucial to make your website work and your product reach its full potential.

Why do an accessibility audit?

Improve the usability of your website

  • Web access for people with disabilities
  • Improved organic positioning
  • Improve your web’s performance
  • Compliance with regulations

What is an accessibility audit?

What our service includes

Accessibility audit

Following the WCAG-EM methodology we will perform a complete accessibility audit reviewing page by page each of the criteria applicable to your website.

Report of results

A results report specifying page by page which criteria the website passes and which it does not, explaining how to pass the criteria, with specific examples of your website.

Meeting and support

We will meet with the technician responsible for implementing changes to your website to explain any doubts about the report. While the changes are being implemented, the developer will have our full support.

Second audit

Once the changes have been implemented, a second full audit will be performed to ensure that the changes have been applied correctly.

Official reports

The necessary reports to justify the regulations, as well as the accessibility statement, will be provided, and all are completed with data from previous reports.

Accessibility certificate

Our audits are endorsed by the ARS Foundation and, therefore, upon delivery of the reports, we can issue the certificate of compliance with the regulations.


We collaborate with ADDAW

ADDAW is the Association for the Defense of the Right to Web Accessibility, a non-profit association.
Logotipo de ADDAW

Our objective

We want all people, with or without disabilities, to be able to navigate on equal terms.


We raise social awareness: we educate about the importance of making the Web accessible to everyone.

International certificate of accessibility

Our audits meet all the requirements to obtain the AIS certificate from the ARS Foundation.

Web accessibility experts

Accessibility is a wide and complex world, which is why we specialize specifically in web accessibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question we haven’t answered? Do not hesitate to contact us.

What does making my website accessible do for me?

Making your website accessible brings you only benefits: you will facilitate access to the web for people with disabilities, improve SEO positioning, user experience (UX), avoid bugs in the code, improve loading time, etc.

We will perform an in-depth accessibility audit following the WCAG-EM methodology standard to provide you with a detailed analysis and advise you about the corrections to be made. Once the changes have been applied, we will perform a second audit and certify your website’s accessibility level.
