Digital marketing blog

Explore our resources on digital marketing, SEO, online advertising, usability, content marketing and much more.

Book: Técnicas Avanzadas de Posicionamiento en Buscadores

Search engines such as Google, Bing, Baidu or Yandex are today the biggest generators of quality traffic – of profitable visits – for most Web sites. In recent years, the gradual generalization of the use of search engine optimization strategies and its implementation in a larger number of websites has made it increasingly difficult to […]


How to develop search engine friendly websites

Presentation of the conference “How to develop search engine friendly websites” offered by Javier Gosende and Fernando Maciá in Alicante during the Internet Day, May 17, 2010. The conference was organized by ADWA and was held in the TUCAMON classroom.

Online advertising

Mobile Advertising with Google Mobile Ads

Spaniards are increasingly using mobile devices to connect to the Internet and according to a Nielsen study, more than 4 million Internet users access the Internet from their cell phones, making it the third most used device for Internet connection. The most consulted information has to do with news content, maps and location of places, […]


How to make our International Internet Marketing campaigns more profitable?

When we want to attract qualified traffic from other countries to our website, any Internet marketing strategy must be more carefully studied than when analyzing a campaign in the local market. Knowing factors such as customer profile, market size, price elasticity and business profitability are important points to consider in a traditional off-line marketing campaign. […]


SEO factors: Study on the weight of SEO factors

For those who like numbers and want to have a cheat sheet with the weight of all “on the page” and “off the page” factors for SEO optimization I recommend this presentation based on a study by Rank Fishkin of Seomoz. This study entitled “Advanced SEO Tactics” is the result of the opinions of several […]

Digital marketing

Web 2.0 and e-commerce: the new competitive advantage

The e-shop model, understood as a virtual storefront or online self-service, is clearly outdated. Today, Internet users demand transparency, usability and participation. The Web 2.0 model is an emerging phenomenon that places this type of user at the center of any business model, providing the greatest added value, integrating content and functionalities in a usable […]

Digital marketing

Search free domains with

The portal is a fast, usable and very complete search engine for free domains. Based on AJAX programming, it returns immediate results of the possible domains that are free and also those that are already purchased or registered. By typing the name of the domain you want to search for, you will automatically see […]

Online advertising

Tips to improve the management of sponsored ads in search engines

Advertisements or sponsored links in search engines (MSN Search, Google, Yahoo!) represent the most effective and profitable Internet marketing tool as long as they are used properly. Learn the tactics that make the most of your sponsored ad campaign. Sponsored links or sponsored ads in search engines (MSN Search, Yahoo!, Google) are classified within the […]
