Digital marketing blog

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Digital marketing

Geolocation and Marketing: four must-have apps

The development of mobile technology is managing to dizzyingly modify the purchasing behavior of many potential customers thanks to geolocation, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by Mobile Marketing experts. The irruption of Smartphones in the market has meant a revolution in the marketing world, which has seen in geolocation an opportunity, a new […]


Advantages and problems of tag systems

Everyone who has used content management systems such as WordPress will know about content tagging. In each entry we can define a list of terms separated by commas that will be associated to the tag. This is a functionality that is often used without any kind of control and, because a page is created for […]

Web development

Does my website comply with the cookie law?

Many companies ask us if their website complies with the current law on cookies, for this reason I decided to write an article that brings together all the interesting information on this tricky subject. What is a cookie? A cookie (in the computer field) is a small file that websites store in the user’s browser […]


Optimization of a Google Ads landing page

In Google Ads the landing page is the first step to achieve a conversion, so it is necessary to pay the utmost importance if we want a user to register in our form, make a purchase or even call us on the phone. To do this we must take into account a number of factors […]


Latent Semantic Indexing: another twist

The Latent Semantic Indexing is a form of information analysis used by search engines in which it is assumed that words found at a certain distance, in the same portion of text or area, have similar meanings or there is a close relationship between them. Latent Semantic Indexing is not a new topic for those […]


How to optimize the loading time of your website

In my previous article, I analyzed how the loading speed of your web page affects SEO different measurement tools and the various factors that influence response time. In this article I will discuss the improvements that can be made in each of the steps of a request to your website to reduce the loading time […]

Digital marketing

The 20 weirdest social networks

Someone once said, “if it’s not on TV, it doesn’t exist”, an expression that we can update today to “if it’s not on a social network, it doesn’t exist“. Nowadays, the vast majority of us are connected through Facebook, Twitter, Google + and many other social networks. Surely you already have a profile in all […]

Web development

How to avoid hacker attacks on a website?

In order to implement Webs with a good level of security it is necessary to know how they can be attacked. It should also be borne in mind that, even if the Web is totally secure, new attacks may emerge over time that can penetrate the defenses that have been set up. The best thing […]

Online advertising

Farewell to the Google Ads Keyword Tool

The keyword tool has left us. Well, rather, Google has decided to terminate its role. A pity, because it was the meeting point for SEOs and Adwords managers, where they all converged in search of the term with the highest traffic potential to use it on their websites or in their Adwords ads. But what […]


Author Rank, Agent Rank, and Authorship: the two sides of the story

About Author Rank Much has been written about Author Rank and its first cousins. Author Rank, Agent Rank and Authorship are three concepts that are obviously related, but do we know the differences between them? Are we sure how to implement authorship markup on our website? In this article we will answer your questions and […]

Digital marketing

How to take better photos for your online store

Product photography in an online store is one of the strongest sales arguments. If the product enters through the eyes, the chances of a successful sale are higher. In this article we will review the points to take into account so that the images of our online store help us to sell more. Objective of […]

Web development

Indexable and accessible AJAX

AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) is a combination of technologies that allows reloading parts of a page, thus avoiding having to reload an entire page. This technology can always be implemented in a way that makes it indexable, and with HTML5, we can make it accessible. To illustrate the explanation, let’s suppose we have a […]


Types of penalties and Google “Spam reports”

Google is the search engine with the highest search volume worldwide. In the specific case of Spain, it accounts for more than 95% of the total number of searches performed. To be well positioned, you must know which are the Google’s “rules of the game”, you must know both the factors that will get your […]

Web Analytics

Cohort Analysis with Google Analytics

Cohort analysis is a technique widely used in medicine in which, starting from a sample of healthy patients, a study is made of the behavior of a disease depending on the exposure to certain risk factors within a period of time. Applying this to web analytics, we obtain a way to know if a group […]


How the loading speed of your website affects SEO

The loading speed of a web page is a key factor for search engine positioning, since it improves indexability, bounce rate and conversion. These points are described in more detail below. Why does the loading time influence the indexability of your website? Search engine spiders spend a limited amount of time crawling and indexing each […]
