Digital marketing blog

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Digital marketing

Advantages of having an online store

Nowadays, the creation of an e-commerce is an uncomplicated and time-consuming process, but it can be done by almost anyone. In this post we will see the advantages that an online store can have for your business or entrepreneurship project.

Web development

Upload custom posts and templates in WordPress

Previously we saw how to create custom post types in WordPress . These types of posts are used to create specific objects for our website, such as articles for a store, users, events or any entity we can think of, each with its specific attributes (for example, a user will have a first name, last […]

Online advertising

Remarketing for online stores

Several e-commerce platforms such as Prestashop or Magento allow you to consult abandoned baskets in the online store. These baskets are orders that were not finalized for various reasons: it is possible that our potential customer did not finish the purchase because he thought to leave it for later, because he ran out of Internet, […]


Summary of Aleyda Solis’ presentation at SEonthebeach 2015

Aleyda Solis is an international SEO consultant and speaker. He offers his consulting services through his company Orainti. Aleyda combines her profession with training, giving lectures on online marketing in different countries. How to position yourself in competitive sectors In many occasions we start working with new online brands that compete against big brands that […]


Summary of Fernando Maciá’s presentation at SEonthebeach 2015

Fernando Maciá(@fernandomacia) is director and founder of Human Level Communications. He is the author of several books on online marketing and web positioning and combines his profession with his teaching activity and his participation in lectures, conferences and round tables. In his presentation, Fernando Maciá presented a practical case of information architecture for a large […]

Web development

Creating custom post types in WordPress

In this article we are going to see how to create custom post types in WordPress. There are several types of posts(post types), such as pages and blog posts (page and post). But we may be interested in creating other custom types. Let’s imagine that our website is a clothing store, and we would like […]

Digital marketing

Keep calm and social media – GedesTIC UPV Gathering

Fernando Maciá, director of Human Level Communications, participated last May in a colloquium organized by the GedesTIC UPV chair on how communication has changed thanks to information technology. Also taking part in the conversation were Ícaro Moyano (Kuapay) journalist expert in digital communication, Rafa Rodríguez (Verlanga) founder and editor of the digital cultural magazine and […]


Interview with Fernando Maciá for Infocif

Fernando Maciá reviews his professional career for Infocif, the Spanish social network for companies. From his degree in Audiovisual Communication, Fernando worked in radio, newspapers and later set up an advertising agency. At the end of the 90’s this agency became a consulting company dedicated to the development of web sites and later became one […]

Web development

How to create a website with WordPress II

Previously we saw how to create a website with WordPress specifically the steps to follow in order to get our hosting space, create our database and install WordPress to have a website ready to go. Now we will see how to start giving life to our website by configuring the necessary attributes, installing a WordPress […]


How to position your online store yourself

In an online store, much of the success is linked to its visibility on the Internet, i.e. its presence in search engines, social networks and mentions on relevant websites. Focusing on search engine visibility, we must differentiate between paid ads (Google AdWords) and natural search results -what we usually call “search engine optimization”-. In this […]

Online advertising

Countermeasures against ad blockers

Surely many of you know those extensions and plugins for browsers that block or remove ads on websites. There are many users who use them and there are many websites that live only on advertising and are seriously affected by these extensions. However, there are measures we can take to mitigate losses. First of all, […]


What to look for when choosing a web development company?

When choosing a web development company, it is very important not only to look at the price, but also at the quality of the work you expect to get. A good quality Web site, created by good engineers who have been working in the sector for years, can make you recover your investment in a […]
