Marketing Online 2.0

Marketing Online 2.0

Marketing Online 2.0 is the seventh book by Fernando Maciá. This is an in-depth update of the previous book, Marketing Online, published in 2009.
Portada de Marketing online 2.0


It is no secret that the Internet has changed the relationship between institutions and companies and their customers. Never before have users been able to assimilate so much information, share it on such a scale, or generate so much impact. A company ‘s presence on the Internet is not only a worldwide showcase open 24 hours a day, but also a business unit that has a major influence on its global operating account.

Marketing Online 2.0 is designed to help professionals and entrepreneurs to successfully develop their own online marketing plan. It is an excellent and enjoyable starting point to facilitate the transition from traditional marketing concepts to the Internet, in a natural and didactic way, as reasoned as it is intuitive. Its previous edition was the most influential book on this subject on the market.

Get in touch with contents as in vogue as natural search engine positioning, usability or Web analytics. Here you will find the main concepts of each subject explained in a clear and simple way. In addition, within its broad palette of strategies and tools, the book has a structuring role that offers the user a global perspective of the online marketing plan and how to implement it intelligently in their company.

Marketing Online 2.0 was born with the vocation of bridging the gap between the tangle of acronyms and technological jargon that frequently saturates texts related to the Internet and the world of marketing and business management.

From a methodology with which freelancers, entrepreneurs and executives are familiar -the marketing plan –the book takes a look at the main strategies that make up online marketing to clarify how they are established. The objectives, how resources are allocated, how problems are diagnosed, what is the appropriate strategy in each case according to the goals pursued, and how success is measured.


Fernando Maciá Domene is recognized as a pioneer of digital marketing and one of the “fathers of SEO” in Spain. After ten years of experience in the world of communication and advertising, at the end of the 90’s he designed his first website and decided to bet on the Internet.

In 2001 he discovered SEO from pioneers such as Danny Sullivan and Chris Sherman. It was love at first sight, which led to the creation of his consultancy Human Level Communications (, one of the most prestigious SEO/SEM agencies with the longest track record in Spain.

Fernando Maciá has written three other books and co-authored six more, all of them related to search engine optimization, online marketing and social networks. He is one of the best-selling authors in his field in Spanish.

Currently, he combines his work as director of Human Level and expert SEO consultant with an intense teaching activity in business schools and universities in Spain and Latin America, and with frequent participation as a speaker at industry events.

Other books

Portada del libro SEO Avanzado
Libro Estrategias de Marketing Digital
Libro de Técnicas Avanzadas de Posicionamiento en Buscadores (2015)
